Looking for a Local Drywall Demolition or Installation Contractor in Dayton, OH?

We're your first choice for any type of drywall project

A flood or house fire can wreak havoc on your drywall. Luckily for Dayton, OH locals, drywall demolition and finishing services are just a phone call away. If you need work done on your drywall, reach out to a contractor at Around the Clock Construction. We'll discuss your needs and come up with a plan to get your job done efficiently.

Don't wait to put the finishing touches on your drywall - call 937-479-3128 now to schedule drywall finishing services.

Learn about our drywall replacement process

Drywall damage is sure to hurt your property's appeal and value. If flooding left your walls soggy, mold growth could also put your health at risk. That's why you should hire our local drywall demolition contractor at the first sign of trouble.

Our expert will:

  • Move your furniture out of the way, cover it in plastic and locate the source of the damage
  • Only cut out the sections that need to be replaced so you don't have to pay for a full replacement
  • Come back the next day to put up drywall on the exposed studs, apply seam tape and let it dry for 45 minutes
  • Sand and paint the wall to put the finishing touches on it and blend everything together
Contact us today to schedule drywall finishing services.